We were greeted by Second Harvest
Volunteer Associate, Ryan Havice. Ryan
welcomed us and led us to the manufacturing department where we worked. Four of us worked together boxing prepackaged
soups while the other three prepared microwave dinner meals. When we were finished we had boxed up 7,000
entrees that according to Ryan Stanton, Manufacturing Manager would later be
shipped to a brand new food bank in Savannah, GA and made around 500 full meals that would be
distributed here in Middle Tennessee.
Ryan S. explained the food processing and packing we had just taken part
in was a part of their Project Preserve program, a program that according to their
website, works with food vendors and manufacturers to provide quality meals for
distribution at food banks all over the United States. (To learn more about Project Preserve visit http://secondharvestmidtn.org/project-preserve/)

All this is possible when people like
you and I play a part! Their ministry is dependent on volunteers. We saw several other volunteers doing
everything from food sorting to quality control. Ryan mentioned they have volunteers of all
ages work with them throughout the week and on two shifts a week they can take
volunteers as young as seven years old.
That means if you want to bring your RA, GA, Acteens, or Women’s group
there is a way for all of you to volunteer!
We had a great time and would love for
you to have the same experience. If you
are in the Middle Tennessee area and would like to be a part of what Second
Harvest is doing, checkout the volunteer page of their website at http://secondharvestmidtn.org/act/volunteer/ or call 615.627.1570.
If you aren’t in the local area, check out food banks, or ministries
like this in your area. I am sure they are in great need of volunteers just
like you.
Where have you volunteered recently? Tell us about your experience!

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