Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sometimes We Forget

Sometimes we forget: special dates, important facts, and even where we are going from time to time!  I was listening to the radio a few days ago and the DJs were talking about a recent study of the mind.  In the study the researchers found the part of the brain that holds short term memory is very small, so small that we can only hold 7 short term facts at a time!  This explains a lot!  I am sure for you as well!  It amazes me the things that can slip from my mind each day!  They went on to talk about how important it is to take those important “we must not forget” things and store them in our long term memory!  I got to thinking about all that is stored in my long term memory, the song lyrics, the memories, the Biblical truths I have learned throughout the years, the people I cherish!  So much I hope to hold on to for the rest of my life, and some well, that probably should have slipped out long ago! Who really needs to know the lyrics to Achy Breaky Heart!

It’s hard to believe but sometimes we even forget the purpose God has given each of us as Christians!  As we are reminded in Matthew 28: 19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”   Ingrained in every aspect of our lives should flow our desire to glorify the Lord through serving others! This is what we call missions!  This is what we should call life!  Each day we should wake up and think how I can share the love of Christ with the lost world today.  It’s a challenge.  Life happens every day, we don’t live in a place or time where we have the luxury to sit for hours and contemplate how we can change the world!  We must get up and at it and change the world in the process!  What we do have is the blessing of the Holy Spirit working among us, preparing the way for His children to be the mouth piece for the gospel.  Let’s train and encourage ourselves to look for places the Holy Spirit is working and jump right in!  It doesn’t have to be moving to Africa, it doesn’t have to be an outreach event that reaches 15,000; it just has to be following the commands of God to share our lives with others in a way that points to Him! 

1 comment:

  1. I am beginning an Acteens class and I am desperately looking for advice. I found your website and was wondering if your Acteen leader could share any tips or ideas. I will take whatever I can get!
    thank you
