By Sabrina Thompson
2011-2012 Acteens State Panelist
One recent mission project that our Acteens group has done is Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, where groups or individuals can pack gift boxes to be sent to children all around the world at Christmas. At first we set our goal for 50 boxes. My Acteens group isn't that big so we thought that 50 was a reasonable and achievable number. We started promoting it around the church and asking for donations not only boxes but for the other things we needed. It was the start of football season and our choir director had the bright idea of calling local high schools and getting old boxes from the cleats. By the time our deadline came we had about 300 boxes. We were all really excited about having all these boxes but now we had to come up with the money to pack and ship them. During Sunday morning services we showed little clips about Operation Christmas Child and how these boxes brought so much joy to a child’s life. We eventually raised enough money to pack and ship all 300 boxes. One Saturday we all got together and had a shoebox packing party. We a good time and had amazing fellowship. It’s amazing what faith can do. It turned our little Acteens mission project into a church wide project and let a little church like Black Oak pack 300 shoeboxes. The small everyday things are easily taken for granted but doing things like this is what makes me realize how blessed I really am.
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