Friday, April 26, 2013

2013-14 State Acteen Panelists - Applications Due Soon!

What is a State Acteen Advisory Panelist?
  • She is a member of an elite group of young women who are interested in missions and impacting their world for Christ
  • She is a young woman with a strong commitment to Christ and to missions through her involvement in Acteens
  • She is a person with leadership responsibilities in her church and community
  • She will serve as part of a focus group for TN Acteens and TN Events
  • She will have opportunity to be a representative for TN WMU
Do you know someone who could be a Panelist?  Are you interested in being a Panelist?

Application Deadline is May 30, 2013

The application and the guidelines and requirements can be found on!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Recently we asked the 2012-2013 TN WMU State Acteens Panelist how attending Connection influenced their lives. Here is what Sabrina said....

Connection has influenced my life in many ways, but there is one major way that stands out.  Through the guidance of our Acteens leaders each year we select the conferences we want to attend.  In 2011, in the conferences I attended, we learned about abstinence, how important it is to read the Bible, and how we should live as Christians. My eyes were opened to how I was living and God showed me that I wasn't walking down the path that He really wanted me to! The Sunday night we came home, I walked down to the altar and truly accepted Jesus Christ into my heart.          

Sabrina Thompson Clinton, TN
   Sabrina at Connection 2012       

Friday, February 15, 2013

Recently we asked the 2012-2013 TN WMU State Acteens Panelist how attending Connection influenced their lives. Here is what Susanna said...

Seeing all the other Acteens at Connection, spending time with each other and loving The Lord really encourages me. Its easy to let things in our lives discourages us, but after being with other godly girls, your spirit is lifted in a fresh way!  Another reason is that you get to see many ways you can be involved in missions. That is just two of the many ways that Connection has influenced my life. 
Susanna Clouse Cookeville, TN
Susanna with panelists and serving with her Acteens group at OCC Warehouse

Monday, January 7, 2013

Recently we asked the 2012-2013 TN WMU State Acteens Panelist how attending Connection influenced their lives. Here is what Lydia said...

This past Connection, I served as a Panelist which meant, I got to experience it in a new way. My favorite part has always been the conferences, even though I had other responsibilities this was still a small part of my experience. My other responsibilities led to more personal time with missionaries and other personnel. We had a good time visiting with them and hearing about their work. They encouraged us to be more diligent followers of Christ so we could be better leaders in all areas of our lives.                                                                                                                

 Lydia Huggins Erwin, TN

Lydia at Connection 2012:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How Acteens has changed my lfie!

by Susanna Clouse
2012-2013 TN WMU State Acteens Panelist
Acteens has changed my life in many ways. I started Acteens almost four years ago. When I started it was time for my group to start fundraising for Blume. During that time I learned that I can do things that I never thought I could do. I have made great friends and became closer to the Lord through Acteens. I have been able to learn more about how to further grow as a young lady in Christ. I get to teach and see my sister and their friends grow in Christ and help them do more in missions. I have became more mission oriented. I have started doing more with the WMU group at my church, and being more involved in what they do. I try to do everything I can to help someone in need. One thing I have become super focused on is doing more missions involving the youth in my church. I started looking for things we could do. I found Nickels for Nets. We had a great time collecting money and were very proud of the response and support that we got from our church. I wanted something else to do and get even more people involved this time so I started looking again. A couple months later I got a catalog in the mail from Samaritans Purse, I started looking through it and I found a new project for us. We are going to start fundraising in a couple weeks, and I cannot wait to see how it turns out. Acteens has given me the fire to want to take this and run with it. Acteens has changed my life in too many ways to count.