Monday, April 30, 2012

Why is Acteens Important?

By Lydia Huggins
2011-2012 TN WMU State Acteens Panelist

      Acteens is important because it teaches teenage girls how to live out a missions’ lifestyle. In Acteens, we learn about missionaries and how we can support and pray for them. We read stories about courageous and bold missionaries, who are ordinary people but with God they can do anything. The missionaries’ stories encourage us to live boldly for Christ. Acteens makes us aware of the issues going on in the world and causes us to pray fervently for the people in difficult situations and the believers in Christ who could impact them. We learn about what is going on in the world and how we can make a difference. First Timothy tells us that as young believers we are important members of the body of Christ. Acteens helps us to put these words into action.

     In Acteens, we don’t just learn about missions, we do missions. We are given opportunities to serve in our community. I love being able to go to our local Baptist Center and play with the children there, tell Bible stories to them, and show the love of Christ. Our eyes are opened to the need in our area for Christ and how we can reach out to the people. Acteens teaches us that we are all, as believers in Christ, called to be missionaries in our own lives. Acteens teaches us that missions is an important part of our walk with God.

     In Missions Quest, an optional individual achievement plan for Acteens, we are given Bible studies that we can do at home so that we will be in the Word daily. It helps us to continue learning about God even when we are not at church. Acteens is an important missions education and missions opportunity for teenage girls.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


by Cindy Johnson
“ I will stand here unashamed and sing my declaration.  I will let my life display Your power and salvation-fearless-make me fearless.” 

When God gave my husband and me the task of writing the theme song for the 2011 BLUME conference, we had no idea what a journey He had in store for us.  Steve and I had been co-writing songs for years, but this particular song stretched us musically, lyrically, and artistically. Though “Fearless” was written and recorded over 9 months ago, God is continuing to reveal Himself to us each time we share this song in worship.  Just last month, at the “Connection” conference in Gatlinburg TN, we were overwhelmed to listen as 500 teenage girls lifted their voices and prayed that God would make them fearless!

2 Timothy 1:1-12 was the inspiration for “Fearless” and as we were writing the song, we literally lived in that scripture passage.  We studied Paul’s words to Timothy and several themes kept jumping off the page.  Paul wanted to remind Timothy that God had not given him a spirit of fear.  Instead, God supplied him with power, love, and a sound mind or self-discipline.  Having no fear, or being fearless, was what Paul wanted to encourage Timothy to embrace.  The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear and since the love of God is perfect, then we do not ever need to surrender to fear.  When it does well up inside, we need to immediately take it right back to the Lord in prayer.  We need to search scripture and claim the promises that God gives to us.  The promise that He will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5), the promise that He will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7), the promise that all things will work together for our good (Romans 8:28), the promise that He will supply all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)-and the list goes on.  Knowing that God’s promises are true and that we can claim them 24 hours a day is what makes us fearless. 

Paul also challenged Timothy not to be ashamed to share the gospel.  Once again, as we search scripture and we begin to understand the depth of God’s love for humanity, how could we not tell everyone we meet?  Why would we want to keep this beautiful truth to ourselves?  When I find a new store that I love, or an app that I can’t live without, or I find a great bargain, I tell everyone that will listen to me.  I could ramble about these things for hours.  Then I have to ask myself, how much time do I spend telling others about the ultimate Truth-the great news of the gospel.  I pray that I am never ashamed to tell what God has done for me. 

As Steve and I prayed through the writing of “Fearless”, God taught us a lot.  I will summarize it this way-when God calls you, listen to Him, take the step He calls you to take, listen again, then take the next step.  He will give you everything you need to accomplish whatever task He has set before you.  Cling to Him every moment and let His love make you fearless.

What is God calling you to do and what can you do today to live Fearlessly?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Connection Follow Up!

Hey friends!  Check out this great challenge, via video blog from Leigh Gray! 

Giving upyour donkey 

Lets keep living Not Ashamed and telling the whole world about the love of Christ!