Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Word for the Race by Amanda Dean

Hi fellow race runners.
I hope you remembered to put your armor on today. If you need to check to see if you have remembered everything read Ephesians 6: 10-18.
It always seems easy to start the race there are so many other race runners to keep us motivated. But some of you may find yourself alone on the road, perhaps you see a few other runners up in the distance, don’t be discouraged, there are going to be stretches when you are running alone. When you find yourself alone on the road, remember to focus on Jesus. Re-read Philippians 1:6, 4: 4-9, 4: 11-13 and finally Isaiah 30: 21. Can you hear Jesus voice? Read and meditate on the word of God and you will begin to hear God’s voice more clearly. His voice will give you strength and perseverance to run the race. In other words do not focus on the other runners; this is NOT a race, focus on Jesus and Jesus alone.
I am back in Arizona, reflecting on all of the encouraging words and events of the weekend. I want you to know how much you encouraged me. Each smile and hug and every conversation are so precious to me and they will provide much encouragement when I grow weary. Acteens don’t forget I have placed you in my arena, my cloud of witnesses. You are there because you provide energy, much needed energy. My focus is on Jesus; but when I hear about how you are involved in your community, in missions, in ministry and in discovering how you can use your gifts and talents for Jesus; I am so inspired and encouraged and energized.
Run the race God has before you Acteens!
Run with perseverance Acteens
Amanda Dean
April, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pictures from Connection 2011

2010-2011 State Panelists
Great Girls Worshipping the Lord FBC Bolivar girls MEGA Fair Prayer for Missionaries led by a bday girl
Worship through Art Sunday Morning
So cool!
Zumba Late Night Fun
More Zumba

Sarah Valley


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Connection 2011

Connection 2011 Unhindered, Unstoppable, Undistracted was a tremendous successful with 477 girls and leaders who attended conferences, worship services, even and did some Zumba! Girls were challenged by conferences about learning to study the Word, glorifying God through relationships, respecting their purity and much more. We added a Late Night option a few years ago and had enjoyed having this element of fun for Friday and Saturday night. One of the most successful things we have done was this year’s Zumba class. Zumba is a form of exercise based on Latin dance. The girls had a great time and a great workout! Amanda Dean, former TN WMU specialist, was our Connection speaker and she challenged girls to live a life unhindered by sin, other influences, and circumstances. She spoke through her testimony showing girls that we can be unstoppable by running the race even when times are hard. She encouraged girls that if they keep their eyes on Christ, being undistracted by the world, and put on His armor we will find success and finish the Christian race well. It was such a privilege to have Amanda back in Tennessee and I know girls’ lives were changed through her message! Jason and Emily Moore, ISC missionaries that just recently returned to the states from Italy, shared with the girls through worship and conference about living the life as a missionary in Italy. Highlights from their time included in introduced to what ISC/Journeyman program looks like, stories of sharing their faith through relationship evangelism, and the power of praying for missionaries on the field. Its such a privilege to share Connection with Acteens each year. My spirit is strengthened and I see Christ work in my life each year. It’s a blessing, beyond blessings to get to serve along our conference leaders, worship leaders, and speakers. This year’s line up was fantastic and I know that Christ used their words, testimonies, stories, and resources to change lives for His glory. If you don’t have girls from your church at Connection make 2012 the first, they will walk about encouraged, grown, and inspired to take their faith to the next level!